Sunday, June 13, 2010


About five weeks ago Chris came to me stating that he wanted to do a six week cleanse. I am always up for a challenge, especially when it comes to self-control so I said lets go for it. The cleanse eliminated all sugar (except fruit), all processed food, gluten, dairy, and all meat except chicken and fish. Some days were a bit interesting trying to figure out what to cook but we actually had a overall good experiences with the cleanse. I love bread and sugar so that was a bit hard to give up, but if I have a goal I can stick to it. We had many temptations along the way but we prevailed! We only have 5 days left. Cakes, cookies and bread still look yummy, I am not going to lie, but we both feel like we overcame many of those cravings. However, we are excited as well to be DONE! I can't wait to make mannicoti again.

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